Marriage For One

Jack and I, we did everything backward. On the day he lured me into his office, which was the first time I’d ever seen him, he proposed. You’d expect a guy like him, striking yet seemingly unattainable, to only ask the love of his life to marry him, right? No…it was me—a complete stranger who had been recently dumped by her fiancé. You’d think I’d laugh, call him crazy and walk away. Well, I did all that, except for the walking away part.

It took him mere minutes to persuade me into a business deal—scratch that, marriage as he called it—and only days for us to officially tie the knot. What should’ve been magical and the happiest day of my life felt more like a nightmare. Jack Hawthorne was nothing like what I’d envisioned for myself. I blamed him for my lapse in judgment, his ocean-blue eyes and unapologetic gaze that drew me in, and that mysterious frown that would soon become my fascination.

Not long after he declared me the biggest mistake of his life, everything shifted. While he still didn’t speak much, his actions spoke louder than words. Day by day, my heart began to get a mind of its own. 

One moment he was a stranger, the next, he became everything. One moment he was unattainable, the next he seemed to be completely mine. One moment I thought we were in love, the next it all nothing but a lie.

After all, I was Rose, and he was Jack. Our names alone doomed us from the very start. Did you expect anything else?

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